Friday, December 3, 2010

How can you record Internet radio formats MP3 on a Mac streams

Streaming radio from the Internet as traditional AM / FM radio, a system in which the continuously last audio to the listener without any option, download, back or forward pass music.

Audio Hijack Pro, with a capture software-audio-streaming of rogue media develops, Mac users can now effectively for Internet radio streams your computer integrated card store. Level of difficulty: Moderately easy

  1. 1

    Download and install Audio Hijack Pro (see resources).

Start the program. The program to buy if you plan to save files 10 minutes and longer.
  • 2

    Start a new session by clicking the "+", and then click the tab "enter".

  • 3

    Select the application that you want the menu drop down the "implementation" to store.

  • Click it in most cases is iTunes, but it is any program that plays streaming Internet radio broadcasts.
  • 4

    Choose to "Format" in the section "Registration" to determine what want quality of MP3, the stream will be registered.

  • Select the folder, which want to you to save your registration "to save records:" field.
  • 5

    Search for the URL of the Internet radio show you want to record.

  • Copy and paste this address in the box "Open URL" Audio Hijack Pro. Click on "continue".
  • 6

    Click the "Schedule" tab enter the date, time and duration of the programme.

  • Make sure that the check box next to "Save" is selected. "Click"Hijack"button." in the top left when are you finished. Your Internet radio program.Record than expected and stored in the folder you chose in step 4.

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