Friday, December 10, 2010

How: Configuring NetMeeting

Microsoft NetMeeting to connect to other computers connected with Internet is very useful for presentations, Internet chat, audio conferencing or troubleshooting.

If you start using this software, you must configure your software needs. Because there are multiple parameters with the remote share, access control and equipment settings, minutes a few, to alleviate your software of headaches later, you configure. Difficulty: average

  1. 1

    Open the Microsoft NetMeeting software.

You can easily find this software, click the "Start" button. Then click "Run" and type "Conf" in the box and click "OK" button. It can make your computer a few moments to start your NetMeeting software.
  • 2

    Then install NetMeeting on the first screen click the button "Next"

  • This screen displays all the options that you use NetMeeting software.
  • 3

    Give your personal data in the following configuration screen.

  • As a minimum, you must enter your name and e-Mail address. If you are unsure, are what must be put in the "Location" box, type your city or your State, and then click the button "Next".
  • 4

    Disable "Journal on a directory server" the wizard of NetMeeting.

  • Probably, you must use NetMeeting to a server for your. For security reasons, you should check the option "List my name in the directory." Click on "Next" to continue.
  • 5

    Select the Symb

  • it your connection RESWasser. If you are unsure of the speed of your network, select "Local network". Most computers use high-speed-Internet use this connection speed. Click on "Next" to continue.
  • 6

    Select or clear the options you relating to your desktop computer

  • (p) and quick launch bar icons. You can access the NetMeeting software when you need it fast. Click on "continue".
  • 7

    Click "Next" button to test your audio settings.

  • This process will test your sound speakers and adjust volume settings you able to hear your NetMeeting sessions are. You must not use your computer for NetMeeting sound, but it is an option.
  • 8

    Their volume of speakers to a proper level of the computer, and then click "next".

  • 9

    Their volume for the microphone to a proper level of your computer, and then click "next".

  • 10

    Click "Finish" to complete the NetMeeting configuration settings button.

  • If you have completed the wizard, your NetMeeting software starts and you are ready to start using this application.

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