Friday, December 10, 2010

How to monitor Internet activity on a network?

Monitor your home network can your upload view and download statistics and helps traffic monitor you between your network and the Internet.

It is useful if you use a limit for network to monitor network traffic. Specialized software such as CommTraffic Colasoft, Gafsa, NetFlow Analyzer monitoring network can be used to alert you when you are near your limit. This feature is useful for you to stay up on your Internet connection fee. Difficulty: average


    Gafsa Colasoft
  1. 1

    Open your Web browser.

Go to the "Colasoft". Click "Download" and then "Gafsa free edition." Click the green "Download" button.
  • 2

    Fill the form of license.

  • Click on "continue to download." Click "Download Gafsa free Edition". Wait until "capsa_free_7.2.1.2299.exe" has finished downloading. Open the file. In the "Windows security" window, click "Run".
  • 3

    Click "Next" on the Setup Wizard and accept the license agreement.

  • Follow the instructions in the Setup Wizard and wait for full installation of Gafsa. Click "Start Gafsa" and the "activation guide" window will ask you a serial number. Check your e-Mail address used in the form of license and open the message "your license to Gafsa Colasoft free Edition". Copy the serial number in the email and paste it into the field "Series" manual activation window. Click on "continue".
  • 4

    Choose your network in the upper right corner of the application of Gafsa.

  • CLIKlicken SIe on the blue "play" button links in the bottom of the application. Monitor your use of the Internet as a chart, click on the "Summary" tab. Click "Site map" to see your general use of the Internet in a digital display. Click on "Point of physical endpoint" and "point endpoint IP" to see the use of the individual machines on your RĂ©seau.k Internet connection.

    NetFlow Analyzer
  • 1

    Open your Web browser.

  • Navigate to the "NetFlow Analyzer"-website.
  • 2

    Click the button "Download" - Orange.

  • Wait for "ManageEngine_NetFlowAnalyzer.exe" finish the download. Open the file. In the "Windows security" window, click "Run".
  • 3

    Follow the instructions in the Setup Wizard and wait NetFlow Analyzer install.

  • You will open, click on "Finish" and the interfaces "NetFlow Analyzer" in your browser. Click on the tab "view surface", and show your Internet traffic in real time and bandwidth monitor.

  • 1

    Open your Web browser.

  • Go to the "CommTraffic". Click the download link and wait for "" to download. Navigate in Windows Explorer, double-click the download destination. Click "", click on "Extract here"
  • 2

    Open "setup.exe" in the same folder as ""

  • Open the Setup Wizard. Follow the instructions and install CommTraffic. When asked if CommTraffic can restart your network connections, click "OK". If you are prompted, restart the computer, press "OK". Once restarted you will complete the installation.Li id "jsArticleStep3" = > 3

    Open the "Start" menu.

    Click on "all programs". Open "CommTraffic." You will now see the primary interface CommTraffic last. Here, you can monitor the traffic on your home network in real time, view, traffic reports and filter traffic and set alerts. Need more information about a tutorial on Web site is monitored traffic to CommTraffic.

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