Friday, December 3, 2010

Internet options to delete cookies

  1. If you visit websites, install installing cookies on your browser.Many you visited sites cookies on your computer to track.
These cookies, help the registry information connection and much more. These cookies can invade your privacy by certain information to the site owner. The only way to place websites to stop new cookies or delete existing cookies is to configure your browser's options.

Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • In Internet Explorer 7 that manage your cookies "Internet Options", "Confidentiality" tab, you can.
  • Delete existing cookies, on the tab "Settings" button of the life deprived you, by clicking "Remove all".

    In Internet Explorer 8 in the "toolbar" from the options of the "security", click "Delete all". In all other versions of Internet Explorer IE cookies in different locations on your hard drive stores. Search for "Cookies" in the "search" command "Start" to remove menu and the files it finds. Internet Explorer is not allowed to remove or delete a cookie at a time unless you use the search function.

    Mozilla Firefox
  • Go to the "tool" drop down menu and select "Options".
  • Select the "Privacy" tab, and then you click "Show cookies" select "Remove all cookies". Delete a cookie, at the same time highlighting the cookie delete by clicking on "Delete cookies" should be.

    Opera browser
  • Go to the Opera browser to "Settings" and select the cookies of
  • Delete the tab "Advanced", if you Operaa, use choosing "delete new cookies" option, if I finish Opera. Delete all current cookies delete of in the "manage cookies", by clicking "Delete all". Deleting cookies at a highlight time through, you want to delete that by clicking "Delete".

    Apple Safari
  • In the SAFA
  • E browser, go to the "Tools" menu select "Security" and click "Settings". Deleting cookies by typing in the window "Show cookies" click "Delete all". Remove time to a by highlighting the cookie you want to delete by clicking on "Delete".

    Google chrome
  • Go to Google chrome on the "Tools" drop-down menu and select "Options".
  • Click the "Details" tab and find the section "Security". In the section "Cookie settings" on the button "show cookies". Select "Remove all". To remove a single cookie, select it and click "remove".

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