Friday, December 3, 2010

Linux Internet history

The Linux operating system was founded in 1991 by Linus Torvalds.

Linux is an operating system open source which means someone view and modify the source code. Free software development is not feasible that the Internet spread, many developers link all part-time.

  1. Before, that Linux was written, users should choose between DOS de Microsoft many heavy users were not satisfied or Apple Mac, which were considered to be overloaded.
UNIX was intentionally prices exclude home users. Linux was created to fill this gap.

  • Linux, GNU, free software Foundation project and other community supports freely distributable software and open Internet protocols.
  • They believe that this improves the stability of the software and allows a greater innovation.

  • Because anyone can modify Linux, developed a number of competitors distributions Red Hat, Ubuntu and Debian.
  • Each version has its own online community together to work to solve problems and to develop the operating system.

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