ActiveX is a plug-in for Internet Explorer browser that allows certain additional permissions from the Microsoft Web sites.
The plug - in can grant access to the site on your hard disk. Microsoft uses run ActiveX Windows Update and Windows Live OneCare antivirus scan online security scanner. When you visit a Web site that requires some ActiveX, generally ask a pop up, for your permission to install the control. Depending on your security settings, ActiveX can be blocked installation completely. Unblock installation is only a matter of your security settings. Level of difficulty: Moderately easyInstructionsYou need: Internet Explorer things- 1
Start Internet Explorer.
Select "Tools" > "Internet Options". - 1
Start Internet Explorer.
Open the "Security" tab and select "Security".
Menu drop down and select "Medium".
Search options, that called "Download signed ActiveX controls" and "run ActiveX controls and plug-ins".
Search "to initialize and ActiveX controls, not safe marked as" and select "Command prompt".
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