Yahoo! Instant Messenger is used, keep contact with people and share files and music.
It's even more fun when a group of friends, gather online at any given time to chat. Once you have installed Yahoo! Instant Messenger, sitting in the chat room is a breeze. Difficulty: easyInstructions- 1
Download the latest version of Yahoo! Instant Messenger.
Add friends to your contact list. Download the latest version of Yahoo! Instant Messenger.
Find the symbol "Invite users" and give the user you want to invite your conversation.
Invite more friends link by clicking on the "chat" in the conversation, and then select the window "Call people."
Delete friends from the invitation list highlighting their name in the box on the right side and then click "remove".
Chat with friends, in your Yahoo! Messenger list by selecting "Chat" in the chat window, and then select "People more loads."
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