Friday, December 10, 2010

How: installing ActiveX cabin

ActiveX is the primary architecture for developing software in an array of extensions.

These extensions that you can set up a variety of different types of functions. ActiveX was created by Microsoft, and many Microsoft applications, including Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visual Studio and Windows Media Player, use create controller ActiveX components. In addition, their functionality of ActiveX can be captured and then integrated into other applications. ActiveX files as compressed CAB files and install the ActiveX CAB files a few steps need to configure. Level of difficulty: Moderately easy

  1. 1

    Find the .cab files that you want to install on your hard disk.

The button "Start" and click "Browse". Click "all files and folders." Type names that are on the lookout for the .cab file. Click on "Search". Note the path of the file from its location so that you can open it later.
  • 2

    Click the "Start" button and press "Run".

  • Type in the box "Misconfig" and click "OK". Click on "Extend the file." Fills in the field "File restore"; Click "Browse". Locate the CAB file. Select the file and click "Open".
  • 3

    Hit "Browse file" side of the box "file in".

  • Click "Desktop" and click "new folder". Name your folder. Click "OK". Click on "expand". This will open the CAB file in your folder.
  • 4

    To open your folder, double-click it.

  • Locate the file with the enlargementsegment "." "ex" or you can bezeichnetMarkieren "setup.exe". Click here to start the Setup utility. Follow all applications install your ActiveX CAB. Click on "Finish" is once again.

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