Saturday, November 27, 2010

How: deleting Internet history and cookies on your computer part 1

Paper presented to the user

How clear you Internet history and cookies on your computer is part of a series of three components on the maintenance of the computer.

When we in cyberspace travel, our computers are collect cookies
and the establishment of the history of our websites.
Finally, our computers are disabled and lethargic.
If your computer often use for browsing the net, you need to clean up cookies
and the story you've left behind. This process takes a few minutes time.
Please make disk on my next article, such as stack cleanup on your computer.
Find up articles, disk under related clean and defrag from your computer.
No part of this article may be copied, transmitted or published without the written consent of the author. Difficulty: easy


You need: ComputerTen minutes free things reference tutorial TimeThis
  1. 1 Step one, cleaning, cookies and history

    Open Internet Explorer
    Click tools
    Click on Internet Options

  2. 2 Step two, General tab

    Click General tab at the top
    Confirm that the check box next to delete history at the navigation is enabled.

Click below and right of "Delete browsing history on exit" "Delete" button.
  • 3 Step three cleaning cookies and browsing history

    Confirm the checkbox next to the temporary Internet files, cookies, history, form data, passwords, and InPrivate filtering data checks.

  • Click Delete at the bottom of the page
    A screen willshown UndLöschen these files as soon as it goes
    Click OK at the bottom of the screen.
  • (4) The last task cleaning cookies and browsing history

    This includes this task

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