In 1995 developed the experimental programme has been Internet Mailer (import), a solid email delivery solution to be single binary.
A standard Debian and other Linux variants, is it surprisingly easy configure EXIM. This guide describes how the configured and operational EXIM Mailer to get. Level of difficulty: Medium difficultInstructions- 1
Open a terminal session.
If you are on the local computer, you can open "Xterm". If you are not local, open a Telnet or SSH session. Make sure you log on as "Root". Open a terminal session.
Enter the command "Eximconfig" there is a utility to configure your installation of the document.
Choose a number from 1 to 5.
Type a hostname for your machine to the next field.
The domain name (which will be placed after the "@" in the response message).
Ask other that apply to your configuration.
Edit the file "Etc/email-e-mail address"
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