Saturday, November 27, 2010

How do I configure EXIM

In 1995 developed the experimental programme has been Internet Mailer (import), a solid email delivery solution to be single binary.

A standard Debian and other Linux variants, is it surprisingly easy configure EXIM. This guide describes how the configured and operational EXIM Mailer to get. Level of difficulty: Medium difficult

  1. 1

    Open a terminal session.

If you are on the local computer, you can open "Xterm". If you are not local, open a Telnet or SSH session. Make sure you log on as "Root".
  • 2

    Enter the command "Eximconfig" there is a utility to configure your installation of the document.

  • This utility questions one set of questions key and change the configuration based on your answers.
  • 3

    Choose a number from 1 to 5.

  • You can configure the document to local, satellite, Internet or over the Internet using smart host. Each option are explained by the Setup program and guides you through each installation option.
  • 4

    Type a hostname for your machine to the next field.

  • Can be any word that you would like to host name is not locally significant. If you entered four selection or five step 3, you can skip 7 number to step further.
  • 5

    The domain name (which will be placed after the "@" in the response message).

  • If you do not specify anything, the host name will be used.
  • 6

    Ask other that apply to your configuration.

  • 7

    Edit the file "Etc/email-e-mail address"

  • / li > "with a text editor such as." Gedit "or"VI."" Users and their corresponding to the correct format e-Mail addresses manually enter "[username]: [username]@[domain]". ""

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