In this article, we assume that you already a podcast successfully have published on a website.
But now want to create an update of this podcast and then republish site. This is a straightforward process, similar to the creation of the podcast in the first place. If you have an RSS feed to your podcast, it will also be updated. The XML file can be podcast update, either as a new element which would mean that the old podcast should be archived or the new podcast simply replace the old podcast reference could be referenced. In this way it would be necessary, RSS file as a single podcast, update if implementation is up-to-date or not currently constantly referenced. This article assumes that you use the audio Audacity recording software is available for Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. Level of difficulty: Medium difficultInstructions- 1
Open the audacity, startup > all programs > audacity.
Open the audacity, startup > all programs > audacity.
Go to the upper menu bar project > new audio track.
Make sure that you have connected a suitable microphone to make line mini jack.
Test the microphone to ensure that it works correctly and that you have the right to record levels of the game.
Make sure that you have connected an appropriate pair of headphones to the phone jack and the volume is set to right.
Click a
The updated podcast updates into the microphone speak naturally as you can.
Click file > export to MP3...
FTP, to update your podcast to your server.
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