Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How: monitor employees Internet usage

You are concerned about how your personal Internet usage is while on the job?

Recent studies show that about a quarter of workers spend time on the Internet, not business. You can personal electronics that make shopping line, search, or even worse. While not aware or think abused are a resource of the enterprise, reduce the overall productivity of the company and the network to expose potential security threats. There are several things as a Manager or a business owner to monitor and minimize use of your employees using personal Internet. Difficulty: average

  1. 1

    Roam the halls and spend time with your employees in their offices or cabins.

If your staff understands that to hiking around the area at random times, you are caught engaging in prohibited activities, only fear less likely. Perhaps you will be surprised, how many people seems suddenly to change your screen when you realize that you are in the vicinity. This gives you an idea that you need to further action immediately, or if you have time to do incremental changes.
  • 2

    Implement a written Internet use policy and educate your employees about their purpose, their content and their penalties for infringements.

  • In addition, let you know that you monitor the activity on the Internet. It is crucial, take step forward to find monitoring if you encounter a problem, and try to take action. Fire someone for misuse of the Internet without a policy in the area make up itjust for a terminated employee employment actions filed lawsuit.
  • 3

    Implement a firewall on your Internet connection.

  • Thus traffic, the temptation of the employee is that you enter the block, the time such as music and video traffic to lose. A firewall examines and optionally block outgoing and Evenutrafic ming, which can protect the internal network against attacks from the outside and also your employees prevent your network at risk by visiting dangerous sites.
  • 4

    Apply a filter content on your local network.

  • Content filtering to block access to content categories such as sports facilities, shopping and pornography sites. Let your employees to go, it goes a long way towards the prevention of abuse of your Internet connection. These filters provide protocols for your consideration so that you can see, your personal access. Check on a regular, weekly or monthly basis and examine and take appropriate measures if it is a violation.

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