Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How: share a XP NetMeeting

XP NetMeeting enables users of interactive online conferences.

It is included on computers running Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Tool has features to the experience of the Conference, such as instant messaging, this online conference program-sharing to improve file transfer and the Whiteboard. All these functions can be used together when the call from NetMeeting online. These features make the caller and the receiver have a remote interactive Conference. XP NetMeeting meeting in Windows 7 and Windows Vista has been replaced by Windows Live, but some Windows XP users can continue to use NetMeeting. Difficulty: average

  1. 1

    Open NetMeeting, and then "Call" in the menu bar.

Select "New call". The "Place a call" dialog box appears. In the field "To" computer name or phone number e-Mail address type the IP address. Click "Call". The recipient receives an invitation to accept or reject the call. If the recipient accepts the call, she will start NetMeeting.
  • 2

    Shared desktop or program by selecting "Tools" from the menu bar.

  • Select "sharing". Sharing dialog box appears. In the section, select "sharing programs", the program or the Office, you want to share. Choose relating to the "control" If the program control to the recipient you. Allows a control means that the recipient can use the program or your desktop, as if it on your computer. To the recipient this type of access type, click on "What controls."
  • 3

    Click "Share" to ter

  • the process to undermine XP NetMeeting. The recipient can now see your computer or desktop program and interactive elements of the meeting can start.

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